因為有一些當模特、演員、拍廣告的經驗所以總共應該有給100個人化過我的妝髮吧?有時候厲害就是厲害,有時候覺得是不是得罪造型師了?怎麼這麼難看!可能是因為化不同臉孔本來就有難度 反正都變好玩的故事了! Adding up all of the times I've modeled, acted, or appeared on TV shows, I've probably had my hair and makeup done by about 100 different individuals. Sometimes it turns out great, and sometimes... not so much. It makes me wonder if I've done something to offend them! Perhaps it's because styling each face type comes with its own challenges. Anyway, it all makes for an interesting story!
因為有一些當模特、演員、拍廣告的經驗所以總共應該有給100個人化過我的妝髮吧?有時候厲害就是厲害,有時候覺得是不是得罪造型師了?怎麼這麼難看!可能是因為化不同臉孔本來就有難度 反正都變好玩的故事了! Adding up all of the times I've modeled, acted, or appeared on TV shows, I've probably had my hair and makeup done by about 100 different individuals. Sometimes it turns out great, and sometimes... not so much. It makes me wonder if I've done something to offend them! Perhaps it's because styling each face type comes with its own challenges. Anyway, it all makes for an interesting story!